The pop-tarts were amazing! Using
this recipe from BrownEyedBaker, Jackson and I made Nutella, apricot and lingonberry tarts that looked a little something like this:
Le-finished product! Pretty nice for a first try. |
There was no way these things were escaping sans-sprinkles! |
As an addition to the original recipe, we whipped up a little bit of a confectioner's glaze and I glooped some on as a simulation of the thick and overpowering icing on the commercially produced pop-tarts. Honestly, the apricot ones are my fave, Jack is certainly a fan of the Nutella, but I haven't yet happened upon a lingonberry tart! Jack is really enjoying them and having something like this on hand has been great for a guy who forgets to eat breakfast 75% of the time. We ended up with about 11 tarts, but I have a feeling this was due to my rectangles being a little on the thin side. I think I prefer them this way, because I'm not the worlds largest crust fan. We had a little leftover dough, but I was too lazy to work on it for a 12th tart.... Points to improve upon for next time: use an egg wash to help seal the edges of the tarts. It wasn't too bad, but several of them leaked all over the place and we ended up with some slightly empty tarts. I'm a sprinkle-whore, so the sprinkling and the icing may be a little excessive, but Jack and I are pretty satisfied with 'em!
So, yeah! That's about it for the day... I had intended to post something a bit angstier, but decided that pop-tarts were much more entertaining. I never had pop-tarts as a kid, like the OP of the recipe, and when I finally was on my own and able to snack on whatever forbidden food I could get my hands on, I was sorely disappointed... The store bought ones were pretty disgusting, but were satisfactory enough to get me through an 8 AM Bio. class, which explains why I was so darn fascinated by the concept of making them at home. Now that I know how to make these, I'm pretty sure I don't have an excuse anymore to raid the vending machines at BSU.
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